Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Tom’s Avila Swim Report:

Deep blue skies, sunny, with wispy clouds scattered about; a beautiful day at Avila. 

Swimming today was Sydney, Sam, Tom, and Larry the harbor seal.  The water was clear and cool, about 54 degrees.  The lifeguards are gone, the buoys remain.  Tom and the sisters swam the buoy line; Larry did his own thing.

and this from Sue:

At first only Tom, Sydney and Sam came to swim- they stayed together, followed the buoy line and swam about a mile, according to Tom. The girls said the water was super clear and on the warm side
A bit later Annemarie showed up and went out by herself, then Eric and the two girls (Cal Poly) went out together
A beautiful 78 degree day in Avila!!!
We missed everyone today
 Hope you had a great weekend!!!

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