Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday, April 14th, 2019

Spring Conditions and COLD

There were offshore winds all week and by checking the NOAA station at Port San Luis I could see the resulting drop in the water temperature every day. I measured 53 degrees in very shallow water in the surf line and guessed that we would find 51 degree water outside the breakers. The breakers themselves were mild compared to last week with 2 foot waves with an occasional 3 footer. A fog bank was well parked over the beach with no sign when it was going to burn off.  No sun and a low water temperature would mean a cold swim. The water was clean and flat there was no wind. The NO BOATS buoys were back for the summer, perfectly scheduled for a swim with poor viability. 
The lifeguards were training, at this point swimming out to a boat with their gear.

 We decided to swim a triangle along the buoy line, out to the end of the pier, to the opposite end a\nd back to our starting place, with the option of altering course if the it was too cold. 
I don't know who did this swim. The visibility was fine for the route
that we planned but this looks like I was really lost in the fog.  

Jim, Emily, Jeanne, Teresa and Tom finding out how cold it was.
Tom , Heidi and Niel did the basic triangle for just over a mile. Jim, Emily, Teresa and Jennie added another lap and half mile down the east part of the buoy line. Amy and John swam the buoy line.
My guess's and Heidi's watch had 51 degrees beyond the surf line and colder, about 50+/- near the end of the pier where there is a lot of up-welling.

Tom, Teresa, Emily, Jeanne and Jim at the end of the buoy line towards Fossil Point.

Afterwards mochas on the beach helped chase the chill.


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