Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday, May 12th, 2019

This Sunday Avila Beach was just about the same as last Sunday except for the lack of clouds. On the Avila Pier at the buoy line the water temperature was 57 degrees and there was a slight wind and chop out of the SW that felt like it would build as the day progressed.

Conditions are getting to be more like summer with it sunny at Avila and the fog hanging on the west facing beaches at Shell and Pismo Beaches to the east and over past the port and headlands to the west. 

Duke, Anne Marie, Niel, Tom, Sara photo by Leslie

Leslie selfie with the group

Tom with Peter Kelley, The Walrus.
Peter does his own swims at Avila, year round and bareback

Tom, Leslie and Teresa getting in. 

Duke and Anne Marie, her third swim with us

Sara, last in the water with us last summer.

Duke and Leslie at the end of the Avila Pier

Teresa, the same spot. Getting bumpy beyond the pier.

Tom and the Avila Pier

Three photos of me with Duke, Leslie and Teresa

Duke, Leslie, Teresa and Tom at the SE end of our route

The water getting more cloudy but is still unusually clear

Today's route was an M for Mom.



  1. Niel, You are always taking photos of us, so we wanted to get you in as many as we could. We planned on beach to photobomb you. :) Leslie

  2. And Shout out to John Hampsey, I took that selfie to showcase my favorite hat in the world.

  3. Do you swim out there every Sunday? Any other days? We are coming for a few days and would love to swim while I’m there.
