Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday, June 28, 2020

For Sunday Niel, Leslie and Tom swam a short course today. The water was a degree or two colder than the past few days at about 58 degrees, there was thick overcast and a chop was already building up when we got in at 9:30.  We swam  what Tom calls the Fortune Cookie, out to the end of the pier, to the last buoy on one end of the line, around and back to the end of the pier. The route comes out to 1.4 miles.  

Tom and Leslie at the start.
The surface was pretty glassy at this point. 

Tom, Leslie and Niel.

Niel, Leslie's foot and Tom at the last buoy near the creek mouth before heading back to the end of the pier. The water was getting messy, not bad swimming conditions, but not looking good for later in the day.

Tom and I and whoever else can join us will swim at 9 on Tuesday. 


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