Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Niel, Teresa, Tom and Leslie swam at 9:30 today. It was surprisingly foggy in Avila Beach but looked like it would clear soon. The water was pretty flat and measured at 16° C/60.8 F.
Not knowing when the fog would clear we agreed to do two triangles, the first counter clockwise and the second clockwise.  

Niel at the first buoy with Teresa, Leslie and Tom in the background. 
this would be the last time in the swim that I would be in front of them.  

Hillary's ducky now has competition.
We were convinced that the child's ducky tub thermometer that is part of Hillary's flotilla was reading high, she says that it is because of the feathers, but I have acquired a 6" lab thermometer that will ride on my water bottle and it was reading 16° C.   
 Once Hillary is back from a backcountry hiking trip we'll have a comparison.

Teresa and Leslie at the first buoy.

Tom at the first buoy.
Really smooth water with the fog.  

Teresa and Leslie at the 4th buoy at the creek mouth.
On the way to this buoy Teresa had an almost too close encounter with a pelican.  It dove for a fish and hit the water just in front of her head. Possibly it had heard about her adventure on Friday and was looking for a handout.

Tom at the same spot. 

Teresa's Friday Swim Adventure - Teresa swam by herself on Friday. She swam the buoy line but stayed close to the surf. At one point she was tossed about a bit and discovered that a small fish was caught inside her swimsuit!  The little fish got out and Teresa was fine but what an experience and a story to tell.    

We'll swim tomorrow at 9:30. 


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