Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thursday, November 26, 2020, Thanksgiving Day Morning Swim

The holiday began with another beautiful day at Avila Beach. It was clear and sunny with an offshore breeze. The surf was larger than usual but not the huge swells that were predicted. At 8:30 the air and water temperatures were 51 degrees.  

I got in a bit before Sue. She caught up with me on the west side of the pier and we swam together until we got out.

Congratulations to Grace and Eliot who noted the holiday by swimming around the pier bareback!

My plan was to swim out to the end of the pier, do two triangles and swim in along the pier for 2+ miles. I don't know how the plot was stopped at my second visit to the mouth of the creek. 

I'll swim Saturday morning at 8 and on Sunday with Duke at 7:30. We have to enjoy these clear days before the rain shows up.


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