Saturday, December 5, 2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020

 What Is It About The Weekends?

The air temperature at Avila at swim time was in the lower 30's last weekend but popped up to a much friendlier 50 degrees during the week, only to crater back to 34 degrees this morning at 8 AM. The water temperature was 50 degrees with sunny skies and a steady offshore breeze. The surf was up with an occasional 4+ footer.

Grace and I swam to the end of the Avila Pier, to the end of the CP Pier, along the pier to the second crossbars and back to the base of the Avila Pier. I got out there while Grace continued parallel to the beach on the east side of the pier to the approximate end of the buoy line and back.  That made her swim 2+ miles. 

Grace and Niel at the end of the Avila Pier 

I took one photo of us at the end of the CP Pier. 
Maybe I was trying to speak to the camera?   

At the second crossbars before heading back to the Avila Pier.

I'll swim at 8 on Sunday. Grace will be working so I'll see who else shows up.



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