Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Avila Beach had 3 foot plus waves, beautiful clear skies and an offshore breeze. Outside the surf line the water was messy with several swells from different direction with the wind chop on top. Niel, Theresa and Duke got in at 7:30. The air temperature was 37, the water was 51 and nice and clean.  The smaller waves today were a nice break. The swell was predicted to start building this afternoon and we will have large surf next week. 

Theresa, Niel and Duke is one space to the right.
Even our cars do social distancing.

Once out past the surf we went under the Avila Pier and over to the second crossbars on the Cal Poly Pier. We then did a out and back lap around the pier and retraced out route back to the beach in Avila.    

Duke and 

Theresa ready to head over to the Cal Poly Pier.

Niel, Theresa and Duke at the second crossbars.

Duke at the end of the Cal Poly Pier
This one was for Duke's daughter in Seattle who was going snowshoeing this morning and wanted to see what silly stuff her dad was up to.

Niel and Duke with Theresa (just out of the frame to the right)
at the end of the Cal Poly Pier.

Theresa and I are going to swim at Olde Port Beach at 8 on Tuesday.


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