Saturday, March 13, 2021

Saturday, March 13th, 2021


Looking from the Avila Pier east towards Fossil Point and Shell Beach beyond. 

It was really nice at Avila Beach at 8 this morning. It was calm, cloudy and 55 degrees. The water was 51.5 and super clear. The 'surf' was just above flat.  Swimming conditions looked great.

Leslie, Niel and Jodi started by swimming out to the end of the Avila Pier and then over and back to the end of the Cal Poly Pier.  Leslie has been having trouble getting cold so she went in. Jodi and Niel decided to swim to Fossil Point then back to the  Avila Per and then see if more distance felt good. I'd been thinking about going doing a long swim but didn't have a real plan for today. 

Leslie, Jodi and Niel at the end of the Avila Pier. 

When Jodi and I grouped up at the Avila Pier I found that my Garmin GPS watch was keeping time but had not recorded any distance since Fossil Point.  BUMMER! I asked Jodi if she wanted to do another 1000M and she was all in, so we swam a triangle starting by going back out to the end of the Avila Pier, in towards the beach on the east side to a point opposite the big rock where the last swim buoy is in the summer and back parallel to the beach to the Avila Pier and in. The leg from Fossil Point to the pier is 900M and the triangle is 1200M so we did a solid 5000M over 2 hours.

I do not like being cold so I wear a Patagonia R3 (3.5/4.5) surf suit when the water temp is below 55 degrees. It is more restrictive than a tri suit but I was spent but not cold when I got out. There is no way that I could have stayed in for 2 hours in a tri suit.

We are swimming tomorrow morning at 8 but with the time change it will feel like 7.


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