Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday, August 1st, 2021

 Sunshine, Wind and Chop 

It is nice swimming at 11 on Sundays when the sun is out and hanging on the beach is nice but when the wind comes up it makes for a different kind of swimming.  

The wind was up at early, by 8:30, in San Luis Obispo. At 9:30 it was still calm at the beach but the wind was out there because there was not a cloud to be seen in any direction.    

The air temperature was 60° and the water 59° and nice and clean.
Swimming today were Duke, Niel, David Cheney and Nick, a friend of Duke's. This would  be his first swim with us. 

We would swim over to the second crossbars on the Cal Poly Pier, to the end of the pier, to the end of the Avila Pier and in. 
By the time we got in at 11:10 the wind was up and the water had a one foot chop out of the WSW. The conditions along the buoy line and over to the CP Pier set the tone for this swim. Duke suggested that we swim to the end of the CP Pier on the windy (west) side of the pier which meant lots of head slapping.  I expected the leg back to the Avila Pier to be a nice 'downhill' coast but the swell had moved into the west and I had to keep putting more left into my heading. Finish up on the smooth side of the Avila Pier was a nice way to finish. 
Nick, Duke and Niel at the end of the CP Pier.

Duke, a piece of David and Niel

Jodi stopped by to share her morning workout. She got in over at the dog beach at 7:30 with her paddler and did 7000M, including one Martini (about 3,000M), in preparation for her 10K/6.2 mile Three Martini Swim on August 15th. Her training is going well.

I'll be at Avila at 8 on Tuesday to swim.


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