Monday, August 9, 2021

Sunday, August 8th, 2021

Photo of the sunrise on Sunday morning over the Avila Pier by Leslie T after she swam.

Photos of both sides of the buoy line and the beach from the pier while I was taking the water temperature. 

My. Lindsay says that the current weather pattern that is holding the fog in along the beaches will last until the Thursday or Friday.  I hope he is right because Jodi is planning on doing her Three Martini Swim on Sunday the 15th and less fog would be nice. She is planning on having her toes in the water at 7:30. This is Jodi with Niel and Duke on Sunday. Jodi and her paddler had done about 3 miles earlier in the morning, including one lap of the Martini course, and she is feeling good about her 10K swim. For this photo Duke and I are wearing our Three Martini Swim hats and the t-shirts from Tom Lorish about my blog.  

As far as swimming today, at 11AM the air temperature was 74° and the water was 59°. The wind was coming up and it was getting choppy. The wind had not opened up the fog enough so Duke, Pat and Niel swam the buoy line. Duke and Pat did one and one half laps and Niel did two. 


Niel. Pat and Duke at the last buoy on the west side.

Duke and I will swim Tuesday morning at 8.


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