Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

There was more fog this morning than there was on Sunday so Jodi lucked out on the conditions for her Three Martini Swim. The damp air was 57° and the water was 62°! I think that is the warmest we have seen since last fall. It felt nice.  I wandered about for an hour enjoying the conditions. Duke and Nick had to go to work. 
I met a woman who was getting in as I was getting out. It was her first time at Avila. We talked routes and distances but I didn't get her name. 
I spoke to Tom as he was wading in. He texted that he had a seal named Larry follow him from the end of the Avila Pier to the end of the Cal Poly Pier and part way around.  Larry was alone (no friends in grey suits) and sounds really friendly but Tom swam so slowly that Larry didn't ask him for his phone number.

The view from the pier.

I'll be back Thursday morning, in at about 9.


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