Thursday, December 2, 2021

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

It was 47° and foggy/dense overcast at Avila this morning. David, Leslie and I got in at about 8:30. The fog was pretty dense out on the highway but the visibility was good at the beach, so we did a lap of the  Cal Poly Pier. The water temp. felt like 54° and the water was really dirty neat the Cal Poly and Avila Piers. It looked like red tide but it is the wrong time of the year..... 

I saw Tom's car but not Tom. He must have been swimming too fast to be seen.

Leslie, Tom and Niel at the end of the CP Pier.

I'll be back at 8 on Saturday, getting in almost at the peak of the 7+ foot king tide, so there will be a lot of extra water to swim in..


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