Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday, June 26th, 2022

When I arrived at Avila Beach at 10:15 the overcast/fog was just starting to clear, there was plenty of parking and there weren't many people on the beach. There wasn't any wind and it was a cool feeling 58° with a water temperature of 60°  

I saw Tom swimming when I was on the pier getting the water temp and caught up with him as he was getting out of the water.  
Pat, David and I swam back and forth between the Avila and CP Piers looking for 3 to 4000K.

The wind got up while we were swimming and while it never looked too rough there was a lot of push out of the SSW. 

David, Pat and Niel

Having it sunny and with 60° water made it very comfortable and easy to relax.

By the time I left at 1:15 the beach was as crowded as I have ever seen it complemented by a busload of Poly students. The lot was full and parked cars had streets down to one lane in places. 
I'll swim on Tuesday morning at 7.


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