Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thursday, June 30th, 2022


I arrived at Avila at 8:30 this morning. There was fog and overcast skies but decent visibility  for swimming. The air temperature was 58° and the water 60°. The wind was starting to come up which would chase out the fog and put up some chop on the water.
I spoke to Jon Harmes (lifeguard) about the sharky signs and learned that a 5 foot white shark had been sighted over at the Cal Poly Pier late Tuesday so the signs would be up for another day and a half.
I saw Tom Lorish as he was getting in. Later we passed each other going opposite directions along the east buoy line.  
I had planned on doing a circle and kept with that plan. The water picked up more character as I approached the Cal Poly Pier but wasn't bad. 

I was more careful about how I put on my new Orca wetsuit this morning and didn't have the problems I had Tuesday. I had to make only one minor adjustment to the collar once I was in the water. It looks like a keeper. Only time will tell if my concerns about this wetsuits durability are a issue. The incredibly soft and stretchy material that makes this suit so comfortable may not be durable as I'd like in a $500 wetsuit. We'll see.

I'm going to swim early on Saturday, at 7, and have time afterwards to get to the SLO Farmers Market and load up on peaches, apricots and strawberries for the coming week. 


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