Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday, August 19th, 2023


It was a beautiful morning in Avila Beach today. Swimming at 7 were Paula, Avery, Eline, Jodi, Niel and Terra. It was Terra's first time with us. She is doing the Santa Barbara tri in a few weeks and wanted to get in some open water time.
It was about 55° when we got in and 75° when we got out and very comfy at the showers.  The water was 61°, smooth and glassy with some occasional 4'+ waves. The water felt very comfortable when we were getting in. 

Terra wanted to do a mile so we started out with a 1,550M triangle. She went in at that point and after some discussion the rest of us swam the 1,000M directly to the end of the Cal Poly Pier. We came back in along the pier to the second crossbars, turned east towards an anchored sail boat to avoid the kelp and the otters that were closer inshore, turned left at the boat and swam back to our starting point. 

Tom L. says that he saw whales near Avila Rock when he was swimming yesterday morning.
Lucky guy.
I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


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