Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

 Winter Returns To Avila Beach -

I'm grateful to Tom Lorish for texting me a heads up yesterday about his Wednesday swim. He said that his toes told him the water temperature was 54°. This was hard to believe but Tom's Toes are pretty well calibrated. Forewarned, I wimped out and this morning came in my full winter swimming gear and was very glad. The water was 12°C/53.6°F according to my thermometer, toes, hands and face. A decent shock to my feet, hands and face getting in and just plain cold after that. Eight degrees is an unpresented drop over the four days since last 
Sunday.  Make me wonder if we are going to see any more 60's until some time in 2024.

Sunday, 62°, Tuesday, 58°, Wednesday, 54°, Thursday, 54°  

The Avila Pier is in the middle of this frame with a giant dragon on the left, or maybe it is some kind of shark jaw at my shoulder. 

It is fun the way the accidental framing of the previous photo 
allowed me to see the bumpers on the Poly Pier in a new way.

Other than the water temp the conditions were great and
very relaxing once I was sufficiently numbed up. 

Could it be even colder on Saturday morning?

I'll know at about 7:05 that morning.


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