Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday, January 28th, 2024

I spoke with Tom L. before I got in and he said that it was very nice over at the Poly Pier so I swam around the reef buoy and out to and in along the Poly Pier. 

At 10:30 Avila was already summery; clear, calm and 70°+. The water was beautiful and the largest sets of waves were well spaced out. The beach was not crowded.      

The water was very clean, 53°, and more blue than the green in the photo. 

I got out at 12:15 and the beach was now crowded and felt just like a summer afternoon. My car was reading 80° when I was leaving.  

I'll swim Tuesday at 7. Thursday and the weekend are likely to be rained out.  I'll post my plans here.


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