Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

Today Avila Beach was showing off just how nice it can be in February on the Central Coast. 
It was sunny and 60° with a light breeze which made it very comfortable on the beach. The water was still 52°-53° but with an air temperature 30° higher than yesterday morning it felt more comfortable. 
I spoke with Tom Lorish between his swim and ours. He had been out to Avila Rock and said that it was really beautiful out there. Tom Israel and I liked that idea so we did the same swim.  
Tom with the Avila Rock behind his hand.  

Niel, Tom and the Avila Rock.

The water was transparent and a nice color with a combination of a swell and small chop. Oddly, for the first half of the distance between the Avila Pier and the rock the water was much rougher, and warmer, than the the second half. The water is usually rougher near the rock because it is more in line with the opening in the breakwater at Port San Luis and is more exposed to the full ocean swell, but today it was reversed.

I'll swim at 7 on Tuesday and Thursday. There is a chance of rain on Saturday so swimming next weekend will depend on how much rain shows up.


1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, great swimming with you! You have an amazing place to swim! Welcome to Dolphin Club if you’re ever in San Francisco. Cheers , Jari
