Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday, February 25th, 2024

This was Avila Beach at 10:30 Sunday morning, sunny, 70°, a light wind and a 55.4° (!) water temperature. At 1:00PM the beach was packed and it felt and looked like summer. Not bad for February.
I spoke with Tom Lorish as he was getting out after swimming around the Avila Rock.

Swimming today were Jodi, Tom Israel, David and Niel.  We made the big decision to swim out to the end of the Avila Pier and to figure out what we wanted to do once we got there. 
Once there we decided to swim the same route as yesterday, until we got to the second crossbars, when we decided to make our turn back to the Avila Pier at the third crossbars instead of the end of the pier.   

David, Tom, Niel and Jodi at the end of the Avila Pier.
With the sunshine and the 55°+ water it was very comfortable out there today. 

David at the second crossbars doing an imitation of an otter 

Tom, Jodi and my toes at the second crossbars

The water stayed fairly smooth and we had a great swim.

With scattered showers and a chance of .1 inch of rain predicted for Monday I will be swimming on Tuesday and Thursday at 7.  Rain is still predicted for Friday and Saturday so swimming next weekend is chancy.


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