Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

This morning it felt like a storm was coming.  The rain is due tonight but all of the players were present in Avila this morning. It was cloudy and at 52°, warmer that it has been this early in the morning. There was a steady wind out of the SE and the surface of the water was a ripped up. The waves were small to flat and the swimming looked easy enough until I got a ways from shore. The flat light had hidden the size of the chop and how confused the surface was.      

The Second Crossbars at the Poly Pier looking towards the Avila Pier
The water was colder near the Avila Pier and 54° at the end of the Poly Pier. Swimming out along the Poly Pier on the west side of the pier the water was constantly changing and I was taking on some water.  

When I turned the corner towards Avila at the end of the pier the chop went up a factor. Luckily (?) I had a lot of trash in my head from yesterday and I was able to keep giving it to the water and until I found myself past the end of the Avila Pier and closing on my point to turn back towards the Avila Pier.  On this leg I kept turning into the swell and swimming towards Pismo. I kept correcting to the left and trying things but I never figured it out. 

Enough rain is predicted between Thursday and Saturday nights to make me sit out the weekend. If the storms wimp out I'll reconsider.


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