Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday, May 11th, 2024

Except for the gray overcast and the 50° water Pri, Jodi and Niel enjoyed ideal swimming conditions this morning.  The low clouds stayed up high enough to not become fog, there was no wind, the water was glassy and flat and had cleaned up with no indication of plankton or a funny taste.  The surf was 2 foot with some occasional 3+ footers.  

The tide was very low so I felt like we almost walked out to the first buoy. We swam to the 4th buoy, to the end of the Avila Pier, over to the second crossbars on the Poly Pier and back to the first buoy on the west side. That was about 2,000M and the longest ocean swim Pri had done. She went in to get warmed up while Jodi and I swam the 1,000M to the end of the Poly Pier, came back to the end of the Avila Pier and came in for 4,145M in 1:43, which was a long swim in at today's water temperature.    
Pri, Jodi and Niel at the second crossbars on the Poly Pier.

 I'll swim tomorrow.  Tom Lorish will swim early and Tom Israel will join me at 11.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Swimming first time tomorrow. Any recommendations or pointers for the swim?