Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

Tom and Niel's Swim Reports - 

Tom -
I arrived at Avila at 9 AM. The conditions were sublime. The ocean was still and glassy as far as I could see. On a day like this, the Avila rock calls…  lots of wildlife out there. Numerous species sea birds were perched on the rock along with one seal that was surprised to see me.  Beautiful swimming. 
Oh, and the water temperature felt about 54 - 55. I am curious to see if I am recalibrated. 

Niel - 
I arrived at 10:30. It was sunny with scattered thin clouds. It was 73° and a cool breeze was picking up. The water was ruffled and the surf was 2 to 3 foot.  With the wind building I decided not to swim to Avila Rock. I wasn't feeling enthusiastic about having to push my way across the wind chop from the rock back to the beach.  Tom's toes were well recalibrated, I measured 54°, 55° in the warm spots.      
A couple of triangles looked good and I started getting ready.  There was something shinny in the kelp near the reef buoy. It was a mylar balloon and I decided to collect it on my way buy and get it out of the ocean.  Once there I worked my way around the kelp looking for a good way in, picked my spot and began a kelp crawl, pulling myself along across the top of the weed like going up a ladder. Half of the way to the balloon the Harbor Patrol boat eased up just inshore of the kelp bed. They pulled around as I was retrieving the lost birthday party decoration. I swam up to the boat and an office asked me if it was a good workout swimming in the kelp. We had a nice, short conversation, he took the wayward trash from me and wished me a good swim. 

The wind strengthened and swung to the ESE. On the lap back the chop was head slapping high. Still, 55° was very comfortable. 

I'm on my normal schedule this coming week; swimming at 7 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and at 11 next Sunday.


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