Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday, July 13th, 2024

A Yo-Yo With Some Walking The Dog - 

That was Jodi's description of the route she proposed this morning, two Yo-Yo tricks combined. The concept was to swim out to the #1 buoy, to the #4 buoy, to the end of the Avila Pier and in to the #1 buoy. Then to the #4 buoy, back to the #3 buoy and to the end of the Avila Pier and in to #1. Repeat for buoys 2 and 1. 
Swimming today were Jim, Matt, Niel and Jodi. It was calm with nice clean and flat water. The water temperature was 54° to 55°. Jim and Matt went in after completing #4 and #3.        

Matt, Jim, Jodi and Niel

Jodi's toes with Niel, Matt and Jim near the 4th buoy.

A fishing boat was poking around off of the end of the Avila Pier. When Jodi and I were swimming from the second buoy to the end of the pier they motored past us and in to the buoy line.  The boat is in the left of this photo, near the pier. 
We did not swim in along the pier but back to the #2 buoy. At that point the boat had moved out to half way along the pier so we swam to #1, under the pier, and did out final out to the end and back in of the west side of the pier.
When I was arriving at the end of the Avila Pier Jodi passed me on her way in. We had been out longer than usual so I figured that she was rushing to get home. She wasn't at the buoy line or on the beach so I figured she was already headed to the showers. I got to the showers and there was no Jodi. She caught up in a few minutes. When I swam in past the #1 buoy on the west side she was waiting for me at the #1 buoy on the east side.  She was close to 5,000 yards so she swam to #2 and back, came in and made her 5K yds. to my 4855 yds/4467M. 

That was a bit more time (1:45)  and distance than planned but we had a great swim, except for having to dodge that boat. 

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


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