Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

It was a fine morning for a swim. Avila was calm with dense low cloud cover with visibility of a half mile.  It was 55° and the water was clean and 56°- 57°. The surf amounted to an occasional 3 footer.   
NIel, Kelsie, Paula, Tom I., Jodi and Matt got in the water at a late 7 o'clock. The plan was to swim the east buoy line, to the end of the Avila Pier, to the last buoy on the west side, check out the visibility and make a plan. We swam to the second crossbars and to the end of the pier staying between the pilings, which is the closest it gets to having lane lines at Avila.  The tide was high enough that we could swim over through the third crossbars instead of having to go around.  Then to the end of the Avila pier where Paula, Kelsie and Matt went in and Jodi, Tom and Niel swam to the 4th buoy, to #1 and in.   I had 3,848 M in 1:31.       

The water was glassy for the entire swim.

Matt, Jodi, Tom I., Kelsie, Paula and Niel at the last buoy on the west side.  

Crabs for breakfast at the second crossbars

Jeff and I will swim at 11 tomorrow.


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