Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Tom's Swim Report -

Heavy fog this morning at 9 AM. See picture. The water was glassy and calm and the swimming was beautiful. Water temperature was 59, 60. 

Niel's Swim Report -

At 10:30 Avila was a mixture of overcast and fog. I could see the Poly Pier from my chair but Fossil Point was coming and going with no promise of improvement. There was a light wind and a nice chop out of the SE.  The air temperature was about 70° and the crowd index was at full holiday.
Jeff from New Zealand was a surprise drop in.  He and his family come to the Central Coast every summer to see his in laws in Paso Robles and he joins us to enjoy some summer conditions before returning to the southern hemisphere. He is a strong swimmer, never wears a wetsuit and swims in the ocean year round. We swam to the Poly Pier then back and forth from the Avila and Poly Piers. The water was 59° - 60° and was still clean near the Avila pier but near the Poly Pier it had taken on its usual summer green brown color.     

This photo of us at the end of the Poly Pier didn't capture the magnitude of the wind chop. The swim from the end of the Avila Pier to the end of the Poly Pier took me 28 minutes. The swim back took 16 minutes.

Jeff will join us for two more Sunday swims before returning to New Zealand. 

Jeff showed me a photo that was taken yesterday at this in laws house. The dial reads 115.
I'll swim Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 and next Sunday at 11. 


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