Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024


Today was a make up day for a early morning meeting yesterday.  I could say that I swam on Wednesday this week just to see if Avila was a completely different place outside of my usual T, Th, S, Sun schedule but there were some of the same dogs and their people and the swimming was beautiful. 

Yesterday would have been nice. I was here at 9 for my meeting and it was sunny, calm and warm. Today it was cloudy and cool. The good part was the water was super clear and flat. The air temp was 51° and the water was 55°. The water was 59° Saturday and Sunday. This yo-yoing of the water temp is a new thing. Maybe the intent is to not let us get soft because of the warm summer water temperatures and to keep us tough for the big drop in the fall.  Thanks but no thanks.        

The gray made the water feel cooler but that glassy surface was a pleasure. 

The surf was up a bit with one of two 4 footers bracketed by 5 or 6 waves at 2+ 

Being off of my usual schedule I had a chance to speak to Tom Lorish before he got in.

I'll swim tomorrow at 7 just to feel more normal, then Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 11 with Jeff  and whoever else wants to drop in. 

Google Jeff Napier + swimming the Cooke Strait.


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