Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024


I had a nice swim today, other than the pelicans strafing me, conditions were really nice; 58° water, 60° air, cloudy, no wind, no waves, no swell and no funk in the water.  The pelican count is down to 85% of what it was on Sunday.  I have not seen any bait balls besides the one Tom and Jodi stirred up on Saturday so there doesn't seem to be much food in the water to keep them here. I expect their  numbers to dwindle.
The pelicans on the pier seemed to be interested in the water on the east side so I decided to head over to the Poly Pier.  After I got in and then headed back to the beach and zipped up my wetsuit. Once properly on my way I became the object of a lot of pelican interest when I started down the buoy line. They were not diving but were sure interested in me or what it was that I was doing.  They hung with me until the second crossbars and then left me to my swim.

I'll be back for more on Thursday at 7ish.


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