Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday, October 12th, 2024

 Sunrise In Avila Beach -
6:40 AM

I haven't seen a sunrise in Avila Beach in a while.  Jodi and I got in to swim at 7. It was 48° and calm. The water was 59°, almost flat and the surf had some occasional 3 footers.. Tom had reported red tide everywhere during his last swim so we planned our route and hoped for decent water quality. 

Jodi had a new rash guard like top she was trying over her wetsuit for increased visibility.
The colors must have been attractive because while we were walking in we had a harbor seal cruse the break about 10' from us. . 

Looking for clean water we swam the buoy line, over to the second crossbars, to the reef buoy and to the end of the Avila Pier where we could finally see our feet. The muck was thickest between the buoy line and the second crossbars but objectionable everywhere else. From the end of the Poly Pier is was pushy and bumpy until we were past the end of the Avila Pier. 
Jodi and a heron at the second crossbars.

I'll swim at 11 tomorrow.


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