Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

 Tom's Sunday Swim Report -

This is what it looked like at 91 5 AM… 

I spoke with Tom between his swim and ours. He had swum the buoy line on both sides and around the pier to make his distance.

Niel's Sunday Swim Report - 

David, Jim and I got in a bit after 1. The air temp was 65° and the water was 59°- 60°. The fog had been opening up and then closing down so we planned on swimming "Tom's Peaks"; the buoy line on both sides connected by going around the Avila Pier.  This would keep a landmark in sight in the event the fog closed in.   
While we swam the fog kept opening up and closing back down. We stuck to the planned route until we arrived a buoy #4 at the west end of the line. We could see the Avila and Poly Pier's clearly so we decided to swim to the #1 crossbars on the Poly Pier, to the 2nd crossbars and back to the end of the Avila Pier.  There were a few hiccups along the way.   On the leg between buoy #4 and the first crossbars the water was really dirty, a dark red brown. Yuck!  The wind was up so it was choppy on the west side of the Avila Pier and more so on the west side of the Poly Pier. The water cleaned up as we swam further offshore. When we made the turn to the Avila Pier at the second crossbars it was sunny and clear but Avila Pier was lost in a fog bank. We took a bearing on the sun and the chop and headed east. Half way across we lost sight of both piers but, not to worry, when the pier became visible we were headed for a point about 100M in from the end of the pier.  We made an adjustment, rounded the end of the pier and came in.             
Niel with Jim and David in the background

I'll swim at 7 on Tue., Thurs., and Saturday and at 11 on Sunday. 


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