Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday, January 27th, 2025

A Run/Swim on My Birthday -

I started the day off with a 7.6K run, had breakfast, and then went to Avila for a swim. 

Tom was already in the water when I got in at 9:40. There was also another guy swimming along the left half of the buoy line but I never met up with either of them.     
The swimming conditions were wonderful.  It was 52° when I arrived and 62° when I left with a light breeze. There was no surf, just 18" swells collapsing onto the sand. Tom posted that the water was 'lake like', but I'll go for like a pool with no lane lines, if the pool water was 51°.   

I had a combined distance today of 10,973M and feel like I earned some desert after dinner tonight. 
I've tried using nutrition to push out my distance in 50° water but I still time out a 4 to 4.5K, so, as in the last two years, I'll do my Birthday Swim in May once the water warms up to the mid 50's. 

I'll be back tomorrow and Thursday at 7, Saturday at 7:30 (Tom and Jodi need their sleep)  and Sunday at 11.


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