Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015

We had spring conditions today; 52.5 degree water, a strong offshore breeze, warm air temperatures and small waves.  Niel, Duke, Jeff and Erik were joined by Amy and Michael who were looking to do some open water swimming.  We decided to stay on the left side of the pier because Wednesday's storm had really dirtied up the water and there was no way to know if the water around the creek mouth had cleaned up.
We went farther out along the pier the usual, grouped up and then swam parallel to the beach towards Fossil Point. We regrouped where the jog is in my route and continued on to the point, returning along the same route. The wind had pushed up a current and small wind chop that we had to work into on the way back. We covered 1.18 miles.

 Amy, Michael, Duke, Erik and Jeff  
Duke describing the route back from Fossil Point. 


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