Monday, April 20, 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Thanks to Amy 1 for writing up the swim blog;  niel

Sunday, April 19

When we arrived pier-side, we were greeted by dolphins cavorting well inside the buoy line. Both the reappearance of the buoys and the dolphins gave us cheer as harbingers of spring and safe waters. The morning was overcast, cool, with little swell, although the swell increased by the time we put in. Without Neil, we had no confirmation of water temp, so, by fiat, I’ll put it at 54 degrees.

Suiting up were Duke, Amy1, Casey, Erik, Drina and Amy2. The non-suited included Pete and Sylvia, who took their own ever-hardy ocean paths. The rest of us made our entry, met up at the first buoy and turned toward the point. We converged at the last (fourth) buoy, did some bobbing and headed back to the first buoy. This was Amy 2’s first trip under the pier, so we discussed do’s and don’ts, as in: “do watch where you’re going,” “don’t go under near a fishing line,” “don’t swim into a piling.” We will review the list when John Hampsey again joins us, since he has been known to be pier-challenged. All succeeded the passage and we were on to the creek buoy, back to and under the pier. Duke announced that this event required a loop back around the first buoy (buoy on the left shoulder) and into shore. Those who did not make the required loop were disqualified. I had no competition for last place in this event.

Although the dolphins neglected to ceremoniously lead us back to shore, the sun was out by the time we beached. Great swim. I have no idea how long it took.


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