Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday, March 17th, 2019

2019 Will Swim For Food

Stephanie Roberson and I did our Will Swim For Food swim today. We were swimming with the Sunday Morning Santa Cruz Pier Open Water Swim Group. The route was a 1/2 mile out and back for a mile total. It was a beautiful morning. The air temperature was 49 degrees at 9 AM with a water temperature of 51 degrees. There was no wind, a slight swell and small waves breaking on the beach. The water looked nice and clean. The Sunday group has a paddler who accompanies the swimmers and sets the turnaround point.  After a 3 hour drive getting in the water was especially nice. 

Stephanie, arrived and parked on the pier.

Getting out the thermometer

About to read the water temperature.

On our way to the get in. Stephanie brought one of her ducks from a previous WSFF

The group and Michael, the swims organizer and paddler is in the yellow shirt.
You can't tell from the photo but about 4 or 5 of the dozen swimmers went bareback.  

Stephanie at the start with her orange buoy.

Michael on his way to the turnaround.
At the turnaround. 

Stephanie, buoy and her gold duck.

Selfie coming in with Stephanie in the background.

Getting out. What a beautiful day.

Done, money raised for food banks and a lot of fun had.


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