Monday, March 18, 2019

Sunday, March 17th, 2019

I was swimming in Santa Cruz (see previous post) so Sunday's Avila Dolphins blog is by John Hampsey 

Sunday   March 17, 2019
After being mostly empty for months, the beach was crowded as if it were a June day. The lifeguards were back. The air was warm, with full sun and a light breeze. The ocean rolled in with steady sets of 3 foot waves. Beyond the surf line, the sea was generally flat, but with hypnotic undulating swells. The lifeguard said the ocean temp was 51, but farther out it dipped toward 49. The water was remarkably clear and pristine, and we all sensed the swim was going to be fantastico.
13 entered the water and eventually broke into two groups. Group A swam to the end of the pier, then back-tracked before heading south to Fossil Point. That group included Duke, Phil, and seven others. Group B—Amy, Maria, Jonny, and myself—headed to the end of the pier then swam diagonally SE to the reef buoy. Short of the buoy, for no particular reason, Jonny and Maria and I relaxed on our backs in a Buddha float. Toes in the air, face in the sun, eyes closed, we forgot where we were and who we were. Amy, unwittingly at first, swam into the Buddha halo and joined in our mesmeric back float. Time passed without measure... ... before we finished our swim back to the pier and the beach where it was hot water funneled down the wetsuits for all, followed by coffee and camaraderie on the noon beach.
Swim A – 1.2 miles   Swim B – .9 miles

--John Hampsey


  1. Do you folks swim in the same place and time each week? Can anyone join? I'll be in the area for a family thing 1st week of April and would love to get some swimming in.

  2. Yes, 11AM on Sundays. Meet at the bottom of the steps just to the south of the pier. Come swim!
