Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It was a beautiful say at Avila Beach today.  It was cooler than in town but still very comfortable.  It was clear, sunny and there was a slight breeze out of the SE.  I measured a water temperature of 54 degrees.  Swimming today were Sylvia, Yvonne, Niel and Dale.  Rhonda joined us to relax on the beach and visit.  Sylvia and Yvonne were already in the water when I got there at 10:20.  They swam the complete length of the now longer buoy line.  There were just walking up the beach as Dale and I were heading for the water.  I wanted to do 2 or 3 laps of the triangle route today so our plan was that Dale and I would do the first lap together and I would continue on my own.  I had brought a bottle of sport drink and a revised tether to tie it to one of the buoys so I would be able to make a pit stop at the end of each lap.  The water was just about flat and the temperature was pretty even, tending to be a bit colder on the creek side of the pier, but there were no big temperature drops.  When we returned to the pier Dale headed in and I swam under the pier and stopped for a drink at the first buoy on the other side.  I had been feeling just OK on the first lap but felt that I had another one in me.  I headed off down the buoy line to the creek and by the time I got to the last buoy I was very encouraged because I was feeling better than when I got in.  I apparently needed the energy.  I had debated having something to eat before I got in but had not because I was concerned about  feeling full during the swim.  Being by myself I didn't stop at any of the turns in the course and just continued on around.  The wind was picking up so I had a small swell to swim into on the leg from the creek to the end of the pier.  I was still feeling good when I returned to my starting point so I drank some more and headed off for a third lap.  The wind was strong enough now that a small chop had joined the swell.  I could feel it pushing me back on the leg from the creek to the end of the pier.  On the last two legs the swell wasn't bothersome except for all of the bending and twisting my body was going through.  I swam under the pier for the third time, collected my bottle and headed in to the beach.  I was in the water for 1 hr. 45 min. and swam about 3.5 miles.  
We will swim at 5:30 on Wednesday.

Memorial Day Swim -
Our usual Sunday swim will happen at 11 AM.  On Monday, Memorial Day, we will have our first summer swim and pot luck lunch.  We will swim at 11, eat at about 12 and then visit and trade training and event stories until we want to leave.  
What ever planning occurs will happen at the beach on Sunday and/or at the Central Coast Open Water G-mail group.


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