Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday Evening, May 16, 2012

There was no post about Sunday's swim because only Rob and Duke showed.
Yesterday evening Niel, John and Byron got in a short swim before attending the CCTC meeting which was held in Avila Beach.  There was just a slight breeze, no surf and very clear and warm water.  I measured 58 degrees on both sides of the pier.  We got in at 5:15 planning on swimming the left side of the buoy line.  Wading in felt very comfortable.  Byron and I were about 6' apart when John yelled at us to watch out and large sting ray swam between us!  I have not seen one here in some time but the water was unusually clear. We shuffle footed it the rest of the way out until it was deep enough to start swimming.  The 'rouge' buoy that has been anchored on a small reef farther off shore has been moved back into line with the other three buoys on this side and  now extends the buoy line farther down the beach towards the point.  This will be good for us; more room for swimming and less for jet skis.  We swam to the  last buoy and returned to the pier. The water temperature did drop off a couple of degrees after the second buoy but it was still comfortable.  This short swim took 18 minutes, was comfortable and very relaxing.  Rob is going to swim camp the rest of this week.  Our regular Sunday swim is on and we will get in the water at 11.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences here on your blog.
