Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Avila was grey, overcast and cool. There was a light breeze out of the SW which was just enough to mess up the surface of the water and 1 to 2 foot surf.  The water temperature was 54 degrees. Amy 1, Niel, Shawn Turner, Drina and John Hampsey were going to swim. Sylvia, Rick and Rhonda were on the beach.  Shawn is from Carmichael, does most of his swimming in Folsom Lake and swam with us about 3 years ago when he was last in the area.  We did a simple buoy line swim. We all thought that the water felt cold when we got in and it took 10 or 15 minutes of swimming to get comfortable. The sun came out while we were in the water and made things feel much warmer. We spent a total of 40 minutes in the water and covered a mile.  There is no map today because I left my watch at home.


 Shawn and Drina
 Drina and Shawn
Amy and John

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