Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sunday, May 24, 2015

I was out of town so this post was written by John Hampsey.

The day was sunny but windy and cool. The strong breeze was coming out of the west/northwest, according to our magnetically challenged compass. The water was choppy and rough; the water temp around 53. Six entered the water—Amy, Amy Hewes, her brother Bo, John Hampsey, Sylvia, and Aly. Sylvia and Aly did a shorter swim and the other four swam south toward Fossil point. We all took in some water along the way because of the choppy water. After meeting at the last buoy, we decided to take on the quest of swimming to the end of the pier right into the current, wind, and white capped water. It was an edgy and adventurous swim. Hard to stay together and know where the other swimmers were because it was difficult to see over the choppy waves. And our heads kept crashing down against the water between waves. It took a while, but we all made it to the end of the pier, Amy H creatively coming in from the southwest. We then headed to the second buoy north of the pier and from there diagonal into shore. We were all a bit chilled, but it was a great and exhilarating swim into the Avila blue.

Thanks John!

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