Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

We had another big turnout today with 19 swimmers in the water. The conditions at Avila were clear skies, just a slight breeze, probably 75 to 80 degrees on the beach and 58 degree water. Visibility was good and the surf was small with an occasional 3+ foot wave. 
Like last week, I got a  head count but with so many new faces I can not yet put the names and faces together in the water.  Swimming today were Niel, Sylvia, Sheryl, Matt, Amy, Duke, Jeff (visiting from New Zealand), Heidi, Sue (visiting from England), Archie (Sue's son, and on the Cal Poly swim team), John, Josh, Ben, Marcus, Sydney, Sammy, Ben, Jeffery and Gerry Gross. The was Marcus's last swim with us. A job opportunity is taking him to San Diego. 

We all went out to the first buoy and left to the end of the buoy line. Marcus and two others headed back to the first buoy. The rest of us swam down to the end of the beach near Fossil Point. From here Duke, Niel, Heidi and Sammy swam back to the first buoy while the rest of the group swam to the end of the Avila Pier. Sue and Archie came in along the pier. Jeff swam to the last buoy near the creek and Amy and John swam to the second buoy on the west side of the pier. Everyone else did something similar and came back in a group.

Ben, Heidi, Jeff and Sue at the start

Jeffrey, Marcus Amy at the start.

Three taken at the end of the buoy line.

The group at Fossil Point.

Tom Lorish did the 10k Golden Gate to Bay Bridge Bridge to Bridge Swim today.
They don't have any results posted.  :-(


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