Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sunday, September 4, 2016

We had a beautiful day for a holiday weekend swim. Avila Beach was surprisingly fog free, sunny and warm. The water was 59 degrees and flat at 10:15 when I arrived. There were small waves and a pod of whales moving from near the rock off of Fossil Point west towards the port. There were no close encounters this time. Swimming today were Niel, Heidi, David, Don, Jeff, Peter, Sydney, Sammy and Vanie. We swam the buoy line except for Peter who always does his own swim. We started out going left to the last buoy and returned to the pier. The wind was picking up and some chop was developing. Heidi was getting cold so she got out and the rest of us continued to the last buoy on the right side of the pier near the creek mouth. The right side was more exposed to the wind so there was more chop. At the creek David, Don and Jeff went to the Cal Poly Pier while Niel, Sydney, Sammy and Vanie returned along the buoy line.  Our swim was .9 mile.  David, Don and Jeff had a real ocean swim through white capped chop over to the Cal Poly Pier and had swum 1.4 miles buy the time they returned to the beach. 

Getting formed up for the start at the first buoy. 

Heidi at the last buoy on the left.
Not choppy yet but the wind is picking up.

Sydney, Jeff, Don and maybe Sammy at the last buoy on the left. 

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