Monday, September 19, 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

This week's post was written by John Hampsey;

Swimming today were sisters Sam and Sydney, along with Pete, Sylvia, Heidi, Ben, Geoffrey, John, and Michael (without a wetsuit). Pete and Sylvia did their own thing, the other seven of us started out doing the buoy line south. At 11am the sea was calm and glassy and the water temperature was a warm 61 degrees, just terrific swimming conditions. After we reached the last buoy, Ben and Geoffrey decided to return along the buoy line and the other five of us took off to the end of Avila pier. Along the way the wind started to increase and the water picked up some chop. After gathering at the end of the pier, we headed to the 3rd buoy on the north side of Avila. We then did a buoy-sprint between the 3rd and 2nd buoy that exhausted all of us, followed by a relaxing swim back under the pier and into the beach. Our swim distance as measured on Sydney’s gps was 1.15 miles. Near the shore we re-united with Ben and Geoffrey who were playing in the 3-4 foot breaking waves. It was noon, and still the beach was not crowded. The weather was warm and sunny, the vibe peaceful. Meanwhile, in another dimension up on the promenade, the annual apple festival was festive and happening.

--John Hampsey   Sept 18, 2016

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