Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016

It was warm and sunny and was going to get hot at Avila Beach on Sunday. There was very little wind and no sign of birds or sea life. There were a couple of Jet Skis jumping the waves near Fossil Point so we decided to swim in the other direction. The route was out to the first buoy, under the pier and on to the last buoy near the creek mouth. Then over to the Cal Poly Pier and back along the same route. This should be about a mile swim. Doing their own rout today were Peter, Sylvia, Claudia and Gerry Gross. In the other group were Niel, Duke, Rick, Heidi, Goffrey, Ben, Tom, Kim and Michael.  The water had been warm the last few weeks, hanging around 60 degrees but it had fallen back to something like 57 today with a couple of cold spots that felt like 55. 
An Update on the Avila Pier; With the pier closed due to safety concerns since early last summer at this time the Harbor District is working to determine who they will hire to do the feasibility study for the fundraising campaign to raise funds to repair and rebuild the Avila Pier, so, having a functioning pier (and a spot where I can once again take a water temperature) is many years in the future. In the meantime we will be relying on our toes to tell us what the water temperature is.

Heidi and Kim at the first buoy getting started
Michael, Goffrey and Ben at the creek buoy
Tom, Duke, Kim, Ben, Rick, Michael, Goffrey and Heidi at the Cal Poly Pier.
From this point a swim out to the end of the pier and back will add .8 of a mile to your swim.

Duke, Tom and Rick at the finish.


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