Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sunday, October 14, 2018

We had a nice group and good conditions and had a great swim today.  Avila was sunny with a light wind and a surprisingly warm water temperature of 60.5 degrees. We had seven swimmers today; Niel, Amy, Karen, Maria, John, Jaenene and Emily. We decided to swim down the beach to Fossil Point and then to the end of the Avila Pier and in to the beach  which would be about a mile and a quarter.

The water was clean and clear except for a reddish cast in the deep water in some spots. There was a current and chop out of the SW which made the leg from the point to the end of the Avila Pier a nice challenge.
John, Amy, Jeneane, Emily (in front of the buoy), Maria and Karen
at the first buoy. 

I'll have no more photo for a while because my newish (May 1, 2018) Ricoh WG-30 leaked today and is done for. Fortunately it has a one year warranty.


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