Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018

We had superb fall conditions today; it was sunny except for some fog that rolled in and out, calm, friendly waves and 60 degree water. Looking back in my notes to one year ago I have a water temperature of 55 degrees in mid-October. We still have some red tide junk hanging around in the depths in some places but it was not heavy on the surface.
We had 10 swimmers today: Niel, Duke, Anne, Savanna, Heidi, Sydney, Tom, Emily, Geneane and Eric.

We swam the buoys towards Fossil Point and then back along the buoys, under the pier, and to the last buoy at the mouth of the San Luis Obispo Creek. From there over to the CAl Poly Pier and back to our starting point and in to the beach.

I lost my Garmin 910XT so I have been using a 310XT for the swim plots. Compared to the 910XT the 310XT produces a much more ragged plot and somewhat optimistic estimates of our distance. I have located a factory reconditioned 910XT so I'd like to do this same swim with the 910 and see if if estimates a different distance. 

I've no photos this week. Last Sunday my 5 month old Ricoh WG-30W underwater camera flooded. (Yes, I've been on a run of bad equipments luck).  The camera is now in the hands of the Ricoh warranty people and I'll soon know if this is a warranty repair. 


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