Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saturday, August 28th, 2021

Almost Normal -

There was a last minute change of plans so I swam at 8 instead of 9 this morning. Leslie was also there at 8, we parked three spaces apart along Front Street and didn't see each other until we got out. The fog must have been thick.......  Leslie swam with Stephanie. There were two other swimmers out along the buoy line that could have been Maria and Heidi. 
There was low overcast and clouds down to the water but the visibility was good at about a half mile.  The air temperature was 57° and the water was 62°, flat and glassy. There was no wind.

The water quality looked OK so I decided to swim over to the Poly Pier.  Near the Poly Pier there was some red tide but nothing like there was earlier in the week so I stuck to my plan. 

At the end of the Cal Poly Pier with a shadow of the Avila Pier in the background,
if you know where to look for it.  

There were a lot of fishermen on the Avila Pier and several people fishing from kayaks on the east side of the pier. I didn't see the kayaks until I swam over a line that was floating more than 50M from the kayak.I just pulled my arm out of the line and kept going.

Duke should be cleaning up at the Aquabike event at the Santa Barbara Tri this morning so I expect he will join Leslie, Jodi and I tomorrow at 11.


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