Saturday, June 4, 2022

A Half Full Yo-Yo
At 7:30 Avila wa looking nice, 56°, sunny, no wind yet, the ocean still pretty glassy and 55°. There were some nice long period swells and the surf was two foot.
I asked Tom to come up with a name for our new course that is made up of legs back and forth between a buoy and the end of the Avila Pier, now to be called the Yo-Yo Swim, with east and west legs of 4 buoys and a Full Yo-Yo hitting all 8 buoys. Tiki and I have done halfs. No one has done a full Yo-Yo yet. The full route would be about 7500 to 8000M. 

Tiki, Jodi and Niel got in at 8 AM. Jodi had proposed a Half Full Yo-Yo by swimming out to the end of the Avila Pier, then back and forth to the second and fourth buoys on each side of the pier and not swimming along the buoy line.


Niel, Tiki and Jodi

With fins

I didn't see Tom Ibut I expect that he was out there.

I'm swimming tomorrow at 11.



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