Thursday, June 2, 2022

Thursday, June 2ed, 2022

Tom and I had another round of nice morning swims this morning. I got in at 7 and Tom at 9. The water was still 56° but with the high thin clouds and weak sun it swam a bit colder. The air temperature was 52°. There was a pushy, small swell or chop out of the SE.  

I did the western half of a swim Tiki and I did on 5/23; out to the end of the pier, back to the first buoy, along the buoy line to the second buoy then out and back to the end of the pier again, repeat for buoys #3 & 4. Either I was drunk swimming or Garmin had a lot more trouble tracking my swim on the west side of the pier than it did on the east side.
I thought the west side would be shorter but the two routes were actually close. I did an extra length of the pier today to 'make up' for the shorter route and came out longer.

Doing both sides would be about 8000M. That could be a official Dolphin Route if Tom thinks up a good name for it.

Tom came through and this will be the Yo-Yo Route. The route is made up of Yo-Yo East and Yo -Yo West with the Full Yo-Yo being 8000M.
Whoever completes the first full Yo-Yo will receive a commemorative t-shirt. 

I'll be back Saturday at 7 unless Jodi and Tiki want to do or 8.


1 comment:

  1. I’m from Mendocino, staying in the area awhile. We have a group of open water swimmers there at Big River… from ocean at bay if Mendocino. Would live to connect for open water swim in your area. Not very tech savy but if possible let me know how to keep posted on your swims. Thank you so very much. 707-972-4274. 🌊trish
