Saturday, June 11, 2022

Saturday, June 11th, 2022

This was the only sunshine and blue sky I saw at Avila this morning. At 8 o'clock there was a bank of clouds/fog offshore with clouds and sunshine at Avila Beach. As the day warmed up the fog moved onshore. By 10:30 Avila was like the inside of a grey sock. 

The air temperature was 55° and the water 59°. Hello summer. There was a combo swell out of the SW with enough lift to it to make it real ocean swimming.  The sharky signs were up. A guard told me that a 5 to 6 foot white shark was seen near the end of the Cal Poly Pier on Thursday and that today was the last day for the warning. 

I wasn't feeling too adventurous this morning so a couple of big triangles were on the menu.

I was by myself. Tiki graduated from SLO High yesterday and her appearance was not expected.

Unfortunately, Jodi needs an MRI on her shoulder to determine why it is so painful.  Keep her in you thoughts.

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


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