Thursday, June 9, 2022

Thursday, June 9th, 2022


This morning began with a beautiful day in Avila Beach. It was sunny and 54° and I could feel that it was going to warm up nicely. There was a light wind, the water was 59° and glassy with areas of ripples from the breeze.
I was looking for something different this morning. I don't know if I have swum this route before. I didn't check but it seemed likely to be longer than my usual swim but I figured that once I got back to the end of the CP Pier it would be all downhill from there so why not?     
The distance was 154M short of 3 miles. The swimming was really nice today with warm water  and a slight swell out of the SW, just enough to make the conditions different on each leg. You can't even see the swell in my photos but the leg from the end of the Avila Pier to the CP Pier had some pushback to it. About half way along some tight spots in my back finally let go so I felt better and swam stronger to the finish!  

I will be back to swim on Saturday at 8.


I recently emailed Theresa to see how she was doing and got this response:

Hi Neil,

Good to hear from you, I miss you all too! Im doing okay, life got pretty crazy for a few months and unfortunately I had to put swimming on the back burner for a bit. I’ve actually never been beached for this long in my life, but am hoping to jump back in soon!

 I currently just headed up to the Pacific Northwest to work on a project for the month (missing the central coast summer weather and the waves though haha). Puget sound is pretty cold, but some people here swim without wetsuits, so hoping to give that a try if I get some time off. Hope to get back to Avila for a swim soon!


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